The First Step is Getting Off the Couch...
I've decided that this summer will be a good opportunity for me to start a workout routine and try to get into better shape. I'm tired of trying to hide underneath my clothes, and I'm tired of feeling fidgety and self-conscious when I go out in public. I want to wear cute clothes without having to worry if my ass looks big. I don't want to have to worry that people are staring at me. In my mind, everyone I pass looks at me and thinks of me as "a fat girl." Size-wise, I'm still in single digits, (you didn't think that I'd divulge my actual weight, did you?), but I no longer have any confidence in myself.
Bottom line, law school students-to-be: Law school makes you fat.
Yup. You take classes in one building, so you never have to walk across campus. You're eligible for a sweet parking deck pass, being a grad student and all, so you never have to walk to the bus stop or to campus. You spend all your time studying and none of your time working out. On top of all that, the enormous stress causes your body to produce extra cortisol, which packs on weight. Not to mention the fact that your diet is the victim of convenience rather than health considerations.
So, I've developed a game plan for myself. After finals are over, I'm going to start the Couch to 5K program. Amber over at My Aim is True has already started, so I'm anxious to see how she progresses. In the meantime, I'm taking the Terrorists over to the Greenway as often as possible for some brisk, pleasant walks along the river.
Before my days as a sedentary law student, I was relatively active. I played soccer and was in a national champion marching band program which, all band camp jokes aside, was a pretty rigorous physical activity. In college I hiked the hills in Ithaca and played on the women's rubgy team. In short, I think I can do this.
The Beef thinks that I am underestimating how easy it will be to work my way up to running a 5K, but with all the wear and tear I've put on my knee, I want to take it slowly. Hopefully, by fall, I'll be running some 5K fun runs, like the Athens Run For the Dogs.
I'll tr to keep my progress updated here. (Eventually I'll move all my stuff to TypePad so that I can compartmentalize my life.) Anyone else up for joining me?
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