Giving Thanks
Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!
In the spirit of the holiday, here is a non-exhaustive list of things I am thankful for:
- My family, even though some of them drive me batshit crazy
- The Beef
- The Boston Terrorists
- My friends, even though most of them think I have died
- Not having to join the real world yet
- Afternoon naps (with the Terrorists, of course)
- $1 draft specials
- College football
- Grande nonfat two-raw-sugar lattes
- A well-stocked bar
- A month-long break at Christmas
- A lot of money (or even sort of a lot of money)
- A plan for my life
- My sanity
- A fundamental understanding of UCC Article 9
- The ability to fall asleep at night, undrugged
- A house with a fenced-in yard for the Terrorists
- Job offer(s) that don't suck
- Completed outlines for all my classes
- A good radar detector
- Freak repellent
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