Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Dear Classmates,

To those of you who put up away messages such as, "WOW! I am SO GLAD I'm done with finals!" or "Done! Off to drink myself retarded and then pass out in the gutter!" or "YAY! I am done with finals so I can finally take a shower and catch up on everything I've TiVo'd!": Fuck you.

I don't want to hear about it. I don't want to hear how joyous you are to be able to emerge from the lawbrary for the first time in two weeks.

As luck would have it (and, coincidentally, as luck would have it every damn semester), I had a final on the very first day of finals, and I have one on the very last day of finals.

So, until I am finally done and can share in the celebration, kindly keep it to yourselves.



Nomadic said...

Same here, first and last day. Sigh. Last day is almost here.

Nomadic said...

Same here, first and last day. Sigh. Last day is almost here.